Monday, February 8, 2016

Cheating ... On My Diet

Since starting my healthy lifestyle back in January, I've had a few moments where I cheated before I was supposed to introduce a certain food. Yesterday was a BIG cheat day for me - it was my son's 4th birthday party.

Yup. I'm a cheater. A big 'ol cheater.

I ate pita bread and cheese...and cheesecake... not a lot of it but enough to give me gas and have my inner voice laugh at me because I knew it was a bad choice.

So, this morning, I ate vanilla coconut yogurt with gluten free oat granola and 100% cacao nibs. It wasn't as gross as I thought it would be. For lunch, I'll grab a salad from the Breadstick and add just under 4oz of chicken to it. Back on the bandwagon!

In truth, I've been sick for about a month and the combination of a sinus infection and the antibiotics they gave me are making me not want to eat. So, if I cheat a little when I'm sick I'm going to cut myself some slack because I actually needed to eat. Living on chicken soup really isn't fun - although it did allow me to lose about three pounds.

So, I'm down 13 pounds - which is great but I wish it came off from working out and not from failing to eat due to lack of hunger.

I've only had four dysautonomia symptoms since starting this diet: nauseousness when I'm sick; sinus tachycardia when I don't drink enough water; heat sensitivity; and one dizzy spell from clogged sinuses. Honestly, if those are the only issues I really have - I'm ok with it. I consider this experiment to be a success! I may only be six weeks into it but I feel so much better...even if I do decide to cheat every once in a while.


  1. That's fantastic news! You're doing great :).

    1. Awww! Thank you! I feel like I'm doing "OK". Cheating on my diet means I'm not really doing great but I'm doing "OK".


The Beginning

The Beginning of Being Sick

Welcome to my blog! I'm not sure if anyone will read this but I'd like to say "hi" to anyone who comes across this. I ...